Hey Girls! Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by.
Let me guess. Are you looking for tips to improve your life and bring out the best in you? You are in the right place!
I’m Resh, and this is my little space where I share everything that can lead you to pursue a simple and independent life.
You are surely wondering why I have created this blog, am I right?
Well, the reason is simple.
I am at a stage of my journey, where I have decided to take the reins of my future in hand and make a change in my life.
I understood that nothing happens by magic and nothing is given for free.
A large part of our life depends on the attitude we decide to have towards it.
If we want a change, we have to start taking action. Be it financially or mentally, it all starts with us.
Taking over the reins of your life requires action, effort, and awareness of reality.
This is why I have decided to create That Independent Girl.
The purpose of my blog is to make you girls learn to love and take care of yourself, work on yourself and find your own strength and happiness, bring more organization into your routine and be more productive to achieve more things in life.
This is precisely what we need to work on: to change the approach and method through which we want to achieve our results.
Being consistent will help you to reach your goals, and create the freedom to do things you love.
Practically, I will be sharing tips on everything that can help you to be independent of everything and everyone.
This is also what I’m starting to do, so why not go on this journey together?
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message by filling out the form below or contact me at hello@thatindependentgirl.com
I will be happy to answer you!
With love,