Having a productive and organized week may seem unimaginable or impossible, but that’s not the case at all.
If you think you’re the only one who never has enough time and is always disorganized, you’re not alone.
We always start with good resolutions for the week and end up already on Monday evening when we haven’t accomplished anything.
But there is a solution for everything.
We have so little time during the week that we do what is strictly necessary and forget about other things.
Some people manage to stay organized even if they have many commitments, precisely because they have built habits that allow them to be so.
These habits take place exactly on Sunday.
Sunday is the last day before we enter in a new week, so it’s very important to know what you should do to have a successful week ahead!
If you want to know how to set yourself up for a flawless week, then you’ve come to the right place.
Here you will find 14 Sunday habits for a productive and organized week that you can start putting into practice.
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Sunday habits for a productive and organized week
Let’s see what habits to practice on Sunday to ensure a super productive, organized, and effective week ahead.
1) Have a slow start to your Sunday morning
One of the most important things not to forget is that if you want to be productive and organized during the day, it’s essential to start it off on the right foot.
This means, starting your morning slowly and without haste.
Take time to get up, have a good breakfast, and spend the morning doing relaxing and fun things, like playing a video game, going for a walk in nature, or watching a movie with your family.
In the afternoon, on the other hand, you can dedicate yourself to organizing your week and doing productive things, such as writing your to-do list or organizing your week.
2) Write a to-do list for the upcoming days
The first thing you should do on Sunday to have a productive and organized week is of course to write a to-do list for the upcoming days.
For example, on Sundays, I take the time to plan when to publish a blog post, or if there are assignments to review, etc.
Planning your day with a to-do list will make things much easier and you will know exactly what you have to do on that particular day.
On Sunday, take the time to write down your tasks for each day of the week. You will notice that you will be super productive and you will know how to organize yourself and plan your time to dedicate yourself and to what you love.
3) Do your laundry and plan your outfits for the week
I don’t know about you, but I’ve already arrived on a weekday without being able to find the dress I wanted to wear, only to find out it’s in the laundry room.
Build a habit of doing laundry on Sunday so you always have clean clothes ready to go.
Once you’ve done the laundry, decide on the clothes you’re going to wear during the week. Iron them and keep them ready to use.
This way you will save a lot of time that you could be used for other productive things instead of deciding on what clothes you should wear.
4) Grocery shop and meal prep
If you want to have a productive and organized week, then grocery shopping and meal prep shouldn’t be missing from your list.
I believe that shopping and especially deciding what to cook for lunches and dinners take up a lot of time, so I highly recommend trying to do the shopping on the weekend and meal prep on Sunday.
Meal prep is an intelligent method that allows you to plan and prepare the meals of the week in advance.
You organize yourself over the weekend and from Monday to Friday everything is ready and you have plenty of time to spend in other ways!
5) Check in on your finances
One of the Sunday habits for a productive and organized week to put into practice is to check your bank account and the bills that need to be paid during the week.
This lets you know how much money you’re going to spend during the week and how much money you have available in your account.
By checking in on your finances at least once a week, you know how economically you are planning how much more you can spend and how much you need to save.
I think it’s something you have to do every week if you want to be sure and secure about your money, which always seems to run out quickly.

6) Indulge in some self-care activities
Don’t think of Sunday as a day to be devoted only to organizing and planning for the week ahead.
Above all, Sunday must be a relaxing day and it is used to recharge the energies to face a new week.
So it’s a must to cut out time for yourself to dedicate to your self-care.
Take advantage of it for journaling, taking a hot bath, going out for a mindful walk, or listening to music and dancing.
If you are out of ideas, you can check out these 29 self-care Sunday ideas for the perfect recharge and use them for your self-care routine.
7) Set aside some time for cleaning
Who can be productive in a dirty and chaotic environment?
If during the week you don’t have enough time to clean the house properly, Sunday is the right day to do it.
By cleaning the house on Sunday, you will have a tidy and clean environment for the weekdays and this will make you a more productive and organized person during the week.
You can create a cleaning and tidying list so you know exactly what to do and get it done quickly.
For example, you could mop or vacuum, or alternate sweeping and dusting.
8) Schedule your social media
How many times have you sat in front of the computer to decide which photo to publish or which photo to modify for publication, thus wasting precious time?
Well, with a little organization, this problem shouldn’t be there anymore, and I know exactly how much time you can save.
If you are not someone who works with social media, you can safely leave this point out, but if you have a blog or work with social media, then Sunday is the right day to get organized and schedule or decide all the posts and photos that you will go to publish in the week.
9) Create a solid morning routine
To have a productive and organized week, it is essential to also create a solid morning routine.
This means that apart from Sundays, where you can relax more, during the week you should develop a morning routine that allows you to be productive during the day.
You can start getting into the habit of getting up early and getting your tasks done early in the morning.
If you want to know more, you can also check the tips on how to become a morning person and love your mornings, and start implementing these habits in your morning life.
10) Review the calendar for the week
One of the Sunday habits for a productive and organized week is to know exactly what you have planned for the week and what you will have to do.
This includes doctor’s appointments, meetings, birthdays and parties, phone calls to make, and blog posts to blog.
In short, all those commitments take time away and that must be finished on that day.
Reviewing the calendar is important to prepare for a new week and to always be up to date and therefore organized and productive.

11) Write goals for the week
How many times have you thought about completing something, and in the end you didn’t succeed?
This is because just thinking about it is not a good way to do things.
You always have to write them down! By writing them, you have everything in front of your eyes and you have the motivation to carry them out.
For maximum organization and productivity, start writing down your goals for the week on Sunday.
This can be publishing a blog post, submitting an excellent assignment, or running for 30 minutes continuously.
Define your goals so you know what to work on.
12) Create a productive nighttime routine
Just like with your morning routine, to be productive, it’s important that you also focus on your nighttime routine.
Nighttime is the perfect time to get organized for the following morning, so develop a nighttime routine that can bring productivity and organization into your day.
You can check my post on 10 things you should do every night before bed for a productive morning and implement these habits in the evening.
An evening routine can be of great help in planning things for the next day and achieving maximum productivity, finishing all your tasks on time, and having plenty of time for your hobbies and things you love to do.
13) Clean and organize your workspace
Truthfully said, it’s almost impossible to stay productive and organized if our workspace is chaotic and cluttered.
When it comes to productivity and organization it is useless for me to tell you that you must have a clean and bright workspace.
To be productive, you also need to take care of your workspace and make it welcoming.
Every Sunday it is a must to clean up your desk or the space where you work.
During the week it’s normal that you don’t have time or you’re tired, so Sunday is the perfect time to do it.
When I have a tidy space, I’m more motivated to work and I’m also more productive, compared to when my desk is cluttered.
So every Sunday, make it a habit to clean your workspace.
14) Plan out your week
Last but not least practicing Sunday habits for a productive and organized week, is of course to plan your week.
Do you have new appointments? Write it down.
Do you have to write an essay on ecology? Plan how much to write and on which days.
Do you have to go to the gym? Write that too.
By planning the week on Sunday, it makes everything more organized and you have a general overview of your commitments.
These are the 14 Sunday habits for a productive and organized week that allow you to calmly prepare for the new week and that can really bring about a change in your productivity and organization.
I hope this post has been helpful to you and that you can start implementing these simple but strong habits.
With love,

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