Having more money in the bank is everyone’s dream.
Whether you want to have more retirement money or buy your dream home, it is important that you take into account the money that comes out of your pocket.
But what can you do if you have the usual job and get the same pay without extra money?
The answer is very simple. Save money
It may seem impossible at first if you are a person who is used to spending a lot, but eliminating the habit of spending money on things you don’t really need can bring great benefits to your life and your pocket.
In this post, I will go over the things you should stop buying to save money.
Things to stop buying to save money
Here you will find a list of 22 things you can stop buying to save money each month.
Remember this is just a list that I find very useful, but if it doesn’t fit your needs, feel free to choose what to avoid buying and what to keep using.
1) Paper products
Paper products are one of the things that can be avoided by simply replacing them with things that can be washed and reused, such as glass.
Not only do your savings increase but you help against environmental waste.
2) Alcohol and cigarettes
What can be better than saving while safeguarding our health?
Smoking and drinking cause harm to the body, so try to permanently eliminate these things for your health as well.
You save a lot of money a month!
3) Fast food
Nowadays, fast food is an easy option for those who don’t have the time to cook or because it’s cheap.
But buying fast food just for the fact that it is cheap and abusing it causes health problems and unnecessary waste of money.
Those few dollars a day you save can make all the difference at the end of the month.
Cooking at home is still the best option and you save money.
4) Brand name clothing
You might think it looks cool to wear brand-name clothes, but that’s not the case at all.
Spending money on brand-name clothes is just a big waste of money.
They are made identically like normal dresses, you only pay for the brand.
Is it really worth it?
5) Sales items you don’t need
One of the mistakes that I often find myself making is buying items, not because I need them but only for the fact that they are discounted.
This is a trap to avoid if you want to save money.
Instead, try to buy exclusively what you need.
6) Coffee to go
If you are a coffee lover, taking one on the fly every now and then would be convenient, but if this becomes a daily habit, then you run the risk of spending useless money.
Try making your own coffee at home, and put aside those three dollars you spend every day. You will have more money left at the end of the month.
7) New cell phones
Buying a new cell phone just because yours looks old is not a healthy way to spend money.
If your cell phone is in good condition, keep it.
But if the phone is not working properly, it is better to take it for repair than to waste money on one that has the same functionality.
You will be helping nature by avoiding environmental pollution.
8) Plastic bags
Buying plastic bags every time you go shopping, not only becomes expensive, but it also damages the environment, which is not convenient.
Instead, opt for leather bags or reusable bags. They last a long time and can be washed if they get dirty. Always keep one close at hand.
9) Eating out too often
When it is true that enjoying a dinner out leads to happiness, it is also true that overdoing it is not good.
Going to restaurants every day is not a good idea if you want to save money.
Cooking at home can take some time, but it is much cheaper.
10) Bottled water
One of the simplest things is to save money by not buying bottles of water anymore.
Using a good filter, you can drink water without having to spend a penny.
11) Cosmetics
Cosmetics can be a sore point, especially for women but it could be one of the things to stop buying to save money.
Saving on brand-name shampoos or creams that promise to work wonders can be a good start. A regular cream has the same power as a brand-name cream.
It is also important to only buy products that you actually use, without filling the bathroom cabinet with a thousand unfinished products.

12) Prepackaged food
Prepackaged food, apart from not doing well because it is full of preservatives, does not bring benefits to your pockets.
If you are used to buying them, start limiting their consumption and learn how to cook delicious dishes at home. Save and enjoy trying new foods.
13) Cutting cable tv
If you are not a person who watches a lot of television, you could think of cutting cable tv and opting for something cheaper, like a Netflix subscription.
So you do not miss the new films and above all you save money.
14) Name-brand products
How many of us have preferred branded products to regular ones?
Just because they’re branded doesn’t mean they’re better.
Starting to spend less money on these types of products can save you a fortune.
Always prefer good quality products over good brand ones.
15) Subscriptions
Subscriptions can take a lot of money but there are many ways to save.
You could make a list of the programs you really need and delete the ones you rarely use.
Or if possible, buy directly instead of subscribing.
You could also think about switching to the annual subscription where you save more than staying in the monthly one.
16) Gym membership
You are happy to have joined the gym, but how many times have you really gone there?
It’s very easy to join the gym and forget to cancel your membership just because it doesn’t cost much.
I was also in the same situation and after a year I decided to eliminate the membership.
That’s thirty dollars a month and I know I’ve lost a lot of money that I could have saved for myself.
Don’t make the same mistake as me.
17) Expensive vacations
Saving on expensive vacations might seem sad because you think you’re not having fun.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
To save money you can look for a cheaper hotel, or book a cheaper flight if possible.
The fun will not be lacking for sure!
18) Branded medications
How many times have we chosen a branded medication thinking it is better than a generic one?
The generic medication must go through the same testing and same safety procedure as branded medications and contain the same ingredients.
The only difference between the two types is practically the cost, nothing more.
19) Online purchases
Not only can you spend a lot in shopping stores, but online purchases are also a habit you need to know how to control.
Having the ease of having your credit card registered and ready to use can make you fall into habits that can make you lose a lot of money.
So learning to control yourself and making a list of the things you really need might help.
20) Extra food
How many times have you found yourself having to throw away moldy or expired food just because you weren’t able to eat it in time?
Being able to save on food is one of the most difficult tasks, but it is important to do that. This also means cooking the right food to avoid having to throw away the meals that you cannot eat.
Let’s do it for us, for the planet, and for our pockets.
If you get stuck, you may want to keep a list of the things you are missing or have and organize yourself accordingly
21) Seasonal decors
Buying new decorations for the holidays like Halloween or Christmas is exciting, but what to do with the decorations of the past years?
A tip to save is to reuse the decorations of the past years and buy new ones only if you really need them.
The important thing in the holidays is to spend time with loved ones and be happy.
22) CDs and DVDs
Another thing you should stop buying to save money on is not buying CDs and DVDs.
One solution could be to download music or movies from the internet or borrow them in stores.
23) School materials
With the start of a new school year, it is easy to get lost among a thousand things to buy. Notebooks, books, pens, pencils, and so on.
While it is true that some things have to be bought, it is also true that most of us have new packages of unused tires from the previous year at home.
Make a list of the things you have at home and the things you need to buy and stick to those.
New things are attractive, but trust me when I tell you that after a month of school you won’t care about your new pencils. Save that money for something important.
If you are also trying to save money but don’t know how to do it, you should start right here.
Check the things you can stop buying today to save money and you will be able to save money for your future.
I know it might seem difficult at first, but it is really worth checking not only your earnings but especially your spending and finding ways to cut whatever you don’t need.
With love,

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