How do you become a morning person and love it?
If you are also wondering the same thing and would like to start waking up early but don’t know how to do it, then you are in the right place.
Becoming a morning person doesn’t happen overnight, but there must be habits that you should give importance to and that you should implement every day if you want to be able to get up every morning and effortlessly.
I myself was convinced it was easy, but it took me many days before I started waking up at 5 am without many problems.
Today I’m going to talk about how to become a morning person and love it and be able to wake up early in the morning for a productive day without feeling tired.
Remember that for every new thing you start, it will take a while to get used to it, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed right away, and always be kind to yourself.
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How to become a morning person and love it
Being a morning person is practically the dream of many people.
In fact, being one gives the impression of being a productive, successful person who knows how to organize and prioritize things. It has many benefits, one of which is having a lot more time for yourself and doing activities that make us happy.
Let’s see how to do it!
1) Set realistic new wake-up and bedtime alarm
People who wake up early naturally go to bed early as well.
It may seem impossible but I assure you it is not. You have to go step by step.
If your goal is to wake up at 5 and you are used to waking up at 10, set the alarm half an hour earlier, that is 9:30
Keep this time for a week and then set the alarm half an hour back, which is 9:00.
Do this until you reach your desired time.
If you would like to get up early it goes without saying that you should also go to sleep early.
Personally, I tend to sleep early as I also wake up very early, but in the beginning, it wasn’t like that.
Set a time when you will go to bed.
It may be hard to fall asleep early at first if you’re not used to it, but over time it will all become more natural.
It is important to cover your sleep hours to ensure that your body rests and is able to be active in the morning.
2) Read before you fall asleep
If you want to ensure a peaceful sleep, it is important to practice activities that relax the mind and do not overstimulate it.
Usually, after a long day, you go to bed and sit on your cell phone chatting or watching videos.
As nice as it is to be with your cell phone or in front of the screen in general, absorbing blue lights does not promote sleep at all, resulting in going to sleep late and waking up late or tired.
The activity that I practice and that I have become a habit is to read a few pages of a book.
If you’ve read other articles on my blog, you can know exactly how much importance I attach to reading.
Reading relaxes your mind and helps promote sleep, ensuring you peacefully sleep.
So if you really want to become a morning person, try to avoid the screen at least an hour before bed and you will see the difference in your mornings.
3) Put your alarm clock across the room
Have you ever heard the alarm clock and reached out to turn it off and then go back to sleep soundly?
To me of course, it happened, but this is no longer a problem since I adopted a trick.
I’ve read somewhere that putting the alarm away from bed is a great help to wake up and never go back to bed.
I tried this and guess what? The desire to go back to sleep was great, but why go back to bed if I was already up and screw up the goal of getting up early?
I’m someone who loves to sleep, but when I tell you this trick works, then you have to believe me. Just put the phone far enough away from where you sleep and that’s it.
4) Set schedules and keep them
To get your body used to falling asleep and waking up at a certain time, it is essential that you have precise routines.
Set yourself a time to go to sleep and a time to wake up.
For example, if you would like to wake up at 5, then calculate the hours of sleep you should be getting and stick to that.
Getting your body used to waking up and falling asleep at the same time helps you stay active and in a good mood throughout the day.
If you skip the schedules or don’t have a specific schedule, then you will tend not to be productive and above all getting up in the morning will be difficult and tiring.
5) Shift your meal times earlier
I tell you this from experience, even if after dinner you are sleepy, do not go to bed right away and sleep.
Sleeping on a full stomach slows digestion and most of the time you also wake up with a stomach ache, thus starting the day on the wrong foot.
Try shifting your meal times earlier and wait for at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.
By sleeping with an empty stomach, you will sleep better and will be more likely to wake up early to immediately eat something.
After getting out of bed, prepare yourself a nutrient-rich breakfast to start the day with much more energy.
6) Find your strong motivation
This is probably the most important thing.
Before you start waking up early, you need to understand and find the reasons why you would like to do this.
Finding the reason why you want to wake up early is very important if you are determined to take this path.
Without a reason, you will be inclined to give up and revert to old habits very quickly.
Ask yourself why you want to wake up early and write down all your reasons on a piece of paper.
These can be of different types, such as:
- have more time for reading
- enjoy the sunrise
- arrive at work on time and calmly
- do a physical activity because you don’t have time in the afternoon
- be more productive and finish difficult tasks before noon
Whatever it is, waking up early will allow you to do all of this.
If you find the right motivation, you will be able to wake up early every morning and not feel exhausted.

7) Develop a productive and fun morning routine
Being a morning person doesn’t just mean waking up early, it also means knowing what to do once you wake up.
You need to develop a morning routine that excites you and makes you want to jump out of bed as soon as you open your eyes.
One of my favorite things I love to do is to write my to-do list the night before.
This gives me a reason to get up early and I can organize myself better and prioritize tasks.
Don’t just fill your morning with challenging things, but also indulge in activities that make you happy and energized, like a date with your friend, an episode of your favorite series, or a trip to the library.
Fill your morning routine with productive things and relaxing things, so you don’t get bored but have fun too.
8) Develop a relaxing night routine
To become a morning person you don’t have to focus only on your morning routine, but even more important is how you spend your time before going to sleep.
Your nighttime routine plays 80% of your success for the next morning.
If you want to wake up early, you need to develop a relaxing nighttime routine.
You have to fill your night with relaxing activities such as reading a book, a warm bath, meditation, or light stretching.
Avoid cell phone use and don’t drink energy drinks.
Instead, opt for chamomile tea or just plain water.
Engage in activities that relax your body and mind and help you fall asleep.
I am used to putting my phone away at least an hour before sleeping and I dedicate myself to reading a book or drinking hot herbal tea.
9) Don’t hit the snooze button
This is probably one of the most deleterious things you could do if you want to become a morning person.
How many times have you promised to get up in five minutes after hitting the snooze button and find yourself an hour later still in bed?
I know it is a temptation and it is very easy to think of closing your eyes only for another two seconds, but first, it is not self-discipline and second, by doing so you confuse the body with its natural rhythm and get up in the morning becomes more and more difficult.
This is why I advised you to put the alarm away from the place where you sleep because I know what can happen! (We are human eh)
10) Get fresh air in the morning
As soon as you wake up in the morning, it is normal to still be sleepy and want to go back to bed.
So right after you get out of bed, pull back the curtains and let in natural light.
Also, open the windows to let in the fresh morning air.
Breathing fresh morning air and having the cool breeze on your face is a real miracle and gets you through sleep.
In the meantime, you can also take the opportunity to admire the landscape and check the time.
11) Start slowly and don’t get discouraged
As the last step on how to become a morning person and love it, don’t forget to always start slow and go on your own time.
You won’t be able to get up early right away and feel all the benefits.
You have to allow your body to get used to the new rhythms and give yourself time.
On average, it takes over 30 days to fix a habit, 66 days to be exact.
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t achieve your goal right away, instead, reward yourself for every day you succeed and always be kind to yourself.
Over time it will become easier and more natural for you.
I hope this article on how to become a morning person and love it has been helpful to you.
I recommend that you always start slowly and give yourself the necessary time.
It will not happen overnight but insist and slowly you will see that everything will be more natural.
Don’t rush things, better go slow and get your body used to the changes if you want to stick to this habit for a long time.
If you want to have a successful day after waking up, don’t forget to check these 14 habits to avoid in the morning that can ruin your day.
With love,

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