Do you want to improve your life but don’t know where to start?
If you want to change something in your life and improve yourself, it’s necessary to know where to start and what you should work on.
And this is precisely why we set monthly goals.
When you set monthly goals, you are encouraged to work on the tasks you set yourself and you are inclined to achieve your goals at all costs.
And if you want to become a better person, then this post is exactly what you need right now!
Today I’m going to list 30 monthly goal ideas you will absolutely love to try that will make a difference by the end of the month and turn you month by month into a better person.
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Monthly goal ideas to make you a better person
If you are motivated to work on yourself, below you will find 30 monthly goal ideas to set for every new month.
You can choose as many goals as you want, as long as they are achievable.
I advise you to start with 2 or 3 goals per month or even just 1. The important thing is that you make progress and stick to your new habits.
1) Stay off social media
This is definitely the most challenging goal any person can set for themselves.
As much as social media can keep you connected with loved ones, it is also true that it is one of the things that can make you mentally ill and stress you out even more.
Taking a break from social media can be a way to connect with the real world, take time for yourself, and focus on building yourself as a person.
Currently, on a break from Instagram for 6 months, I feel much better and I can focus on more important things.
2) Do something good for others
It may seem obvious, but doing good to others is never an easy thing if it doesn’t come from the heart.
Even just a compliment, a smile, or a hand in difficult moments is enough. Not only will you help a person, but you will also be good for yourself.
3) Start volunteering
If you’ve never tried it in your life, now is the right time.
Volunteering opens up new points of view, makes you a more mature person and you learn a lot.
There are loads of volunteer opportunities, just search for the one that interests you the most.
If you are an animal lover, you can decide to volunteer at the kennel, if you love children, you can offer yourself as a playmate in a hospital, if you love cooking you could feed the homeless. The choice is huge!
4) Spend a good amount of your time with your family
Maybe this might seem like a natural thing, but I know people who don’t spend enough time with their families due to their busy schedules.
Reserving time to dedicate to your loved ones is important if you want to lead a happy life, since they are moments that you will cherish in your heart and that will never come back.
This is why it is one of the most important goals to write on your list for the month.
5) Use a physical planner to schedule your activities
For those who are not used to using a planner for the organization of the month, I would wholeheartedly advise you to start doing so.
I’ve stayed the old-fashioned way, for most things I prefer using pen and paper instead of digital apps.
If we talk about organization, the planner must absolutely not be missing. Keeping yourself organized and scheduling your activities according to your busy schedule is a must if you want to improve yourself and have everything under your eyes.
I’ve written a post about 13 things to do at the start of a new month to help you stay organized.
6) Make your bed every day
Another interesting goal to set is to make the bed every morning.
Making the bed early in the morning and without leaving it unmade helps you stay organized and tidy, and it’s also a good habit if you want to become a morning person, as there’s no longer the temptation to throw yourself back into bed.
7) Use affirmations
Affirmations are all that series of aphorisms, short thoughts, quotes, and pills which, due to the way they are structured, are capable of motivating by inviting and pushing you to change, improve, and believe in yourself.
You can use them in the morning as soon as you wake up, or at the end of the day, before going to bed and recharging for the next day.
8) Watch a documentary
I know that for many, documentaries may seem boring, but they are also full of information and knowledge.
A documentary a month is more than doable and furthermore, your cultural baggage grows more and more month after month, with new knowledge.
You can choose documentaries about medicine, the genesis of the world, the history of different cultures, and much more.
9) Walk 10k steps a day for a month
10k steps a day is the right step that every person should take a day to stay healthy.
They are neither many nor few, but they are perfect for keeping you fit, especially if you don’t play sports or practice any other activity. My advice is to find something you like anyway and practice it together with the walk.
10) Start journaling
If you haven’t already started doing it, start it! Journaling is a form of self-care that is very important to your mind.
With journaling, you get to jot down all your thoughts and emotions, understand how you feel, how you spent your day whether your day was good or bad, and much more.

11) Focus on your dreams
One of the monthly goal ideas to set for a new month that cannot be missed is to focus on your dreams.
If your dream is to become a doctor, an entrepreneur, or a cook, always keep in mind the reason why you want to do it and do everything to get closer to your final goal day after day, eliminating all distractions that stop you from your path.
12) Read a book in a month
To improve yourself it is also useful to read a lot! Books are wisdom and can open up whole worlds you didn’t know before.
A book a month is an achievable goal, even for those who wouldn’t believe it. Get into the habit of reading a few pages a day every day, with a cup of tea, and you’ll finish the book in no time.
13) Start saving up or investing
Any month is a good month to start investing or start saving money.
Keep track of all your income and expenses with a notebook and save where you can.
14) Don’t procrastinate
This is definitely one of the hardest, at least for me.
Try not to procrastinate for a month, and get your task done for an entire month.
After this month, you will no longer have the habit of putting things off, on the contrary, you will be more organized and motivated and you will know how to be productive.
You can simply follow these 11 tips to increase your productivity
15) Listen to educational podcasts
Listen to educational podcasts whenever you can.
They are so packed with information, you get to stay updated with the latest news and learn more about what really interests you and there are so many to choose from.
Just choose one whose topic you like and would like to know more about and everything will be more fun.
16) Create a morning routine and stick to it
One of my monthly goal ideas to set for self-improvement is to create a morning routine that can be productive, relaxing, and motivating.
You can use the start of a new month and try waking up early and sticking to a routine. To start the day right, you have to start right in your mornings.
Becoming a morning person brings so many benefits, but if you want to have a perfect morning, you should also avoid some morning habits that can ruin your day.
17) Declutter your social media
To better yourself, it’s essential that you also clean up your social media.
This doesn’t mean closing it or not using it, but it means unfollowing accounts that don’t share your same ideals, eliminating toxic and negative people and unfollowing accounts that don’t help your personal growth.
Trust me when I tell you that by not having these things in front of your eyes, you will immediately feel better about yourself.
18) Step out of your comfort zone
This is definitely a big goal for those who are not used to experimenting with new things, and for those who are afraid of uncertainty and how things can change.
But to improve yourself, it’s important to try everything, even what seems inconvenient. You never know what it could lead to.
A negative experience can teach you so much, and positive one could change your life forever, so get out of your comfort zone and try everything.
So why not set yourself this monthly goal?
19) Try meal prepping
Meal prep is a way to save money and save time.
Meal prep consists of deciding what to eat during the week and buying only what is needed to prepare those foods.
So you don’t buy things you don’t need and you don’t arrive at mealtime not knowing what to cook.
20) Eat breakfast every morning
Breakfast is super important when it comes to starting a day full of energy. Yet not everyone does it, either due to lack of time or because one is not used to it.
The body needs food after hours of fasting, and to make it work well, we must give it all the nutrients.
This is also part of self-care, so take the time to prepare yourself a healthy and filling breakfast.
21) Donate unnecessary items
If you no longer need some clothes, instead of throwing them away, donate them to a charity. Many people don’t have clothing to wear, so you’re doing a wonderful thing.
If you no longer need items, books, or furniture, donate them to a friend or someone you know who needs them.
22) Choose a new topic to learn about
A new month gives you the motivation to do something new, like learning a new subject, a new language, or a new instrument.
Take advantage of a month to dedicate yourself to a new topic to learn and improve yourself.
23) Complete a 30-day challenge
This is definitely one of the funniest monthly goal ideas to set for self-improvement.
Deciding which challenge to take for a month can be fun but at the same time, you get to reflect on what is most important to you right now.
Whether you want to improve your body with a month of squat challenges or become a morning person by always waking up at a specific time, starting a 30-day challenge will be challenging and funny.
24) Start a new productive habit every week
Starting a productive habit every week will definitely make you a more productive person.
These could be like focusing on the most important tasks first, sticking to your to-do list and so on.
You could start by following these 11 tips to increase your productivity.
25) Exercise 3 times a week
One of the monthly goal ideas to set for self-improvement concerns practicing physical activity to always stay fit.
Practicing physical activity at least 3 times a week is an easy way to keep yourself fit and healthy.
You can choose what you like best. For example, I love to dance, so I practice that and I feel good about myself, so choose one that makes you enjoy yourself.
26) Try a new side hustle for 30 days
Have you ever wanted to earn a little extra to save for a trip or to quit your job?
One goal would be to try to initiate a side hustle.
If you like writing, you could start a blog, if you are more creative, you could create digital products such as templates or Printables to sell.
Find your passion and turn it into a profitable business!
27) Go to bed 1 hour earlier
Plan to go to bed 1 hour early.
The benefits of not going to sleep late are many, including better rest and a more productive and energizing morning.
For tips, you could read these 10 things you should do every night before bed for a productive morning.
28) Don’t check your phone in the morning
For a month, try not to use your cell phone early in the morning when you wake up.
Instead of using it, spend your time on more productive things and dedicate yourself to your self-care and mental health, and avoid toxic morning habits that can ruin your day.
29) Read for 30 minutes every day
If you want to improve yourself, it goes without saying that dedicating at least 30 minutes to reading is a must.
By reading you learn new things, have a more open mind, increase your creativity, improve your level of attention and concentration, reduce stress, and train your memory.
In fact, if you’ve noticed, all successful people include reading in their day.
30) Give up a bad habit for 30 days
Give up a bad habit for 30 days and you’ll see that after 30 days, you’ll struggle to get back into the bad habit.
For example, if you have the habit of buying things you don’t need, for a month try to organize yourself and make a list of the things you really need.
You can read more about the 20 toxic habits to quit immediately for a blissful life and see which bad habits you practice and that you want to get rid of.
That’s all.
If you want to challenge yourself and improve yourself, all you have to do is try these 30 monthly goal ideas to try for a new month.
Remember to always be kind to yourself if you fail to complete a goal, and to try again.
This is why I advise you to choose a maximum of 2 or 3 goals to be able to concentrate only on these and make the most out of your month.
With love,

This is awesome I’m going to try some of these .. thanked for sharing
Your welcome Shantele :) thank you for the appreciation :)