There are things in life that instead of making it easier, make it difficult for us. And life isn’t it already with all the problems that exist in the world?
So instead of complicating it, we can try to give more order to the things we can control.
Thank God, however, there are things you can get rid of to make your life easier and live a simpler way every day.
In this post, I will go to list the 25 things that you can get rid of to simplify life and that in my opinion are decisive in order to live in a better way.
These are also the things that I am trying to take out of my life.
And to have a blissful life, be sure to quit these 20 toxic habits immediately.
Let’s start.
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List of things to get rid of to simplify life
Some things on the list can be gotten rid of in a day, but some take time and that’s okay.
1) Negative self-talk
This is number one on the list of things to get rid of to simplify life.
Negative self-talk simply means self-destruction.
We must love ourselves and to do so it is not only important to take care of ourselves physically, but also above all how we turn to ourselves.
We must learn to say more loving words to ourselves and stop thinking badly because we are more worthy than that.
2) Comparison with other people
Getting in the habit of comparing yourself to other people can lead you to sabotage your life.
Each of us is different and also has a different past.
We need to understand that we don’t know a person’s past, how hard they worked to get to that point, and much more.
Comparing yourself to others is useless.
I have to be honest, I haven’t been able to get rid of this bad habit yet, especially when I enter Instagram.
But I’m working on it, that’s why I deactivated the app so I can focus on myself, and I have to say it works.
Now I have more time to improve and achieve my goals.
Therefore, the only thing you have to do is focus on your life and become a better person for yourself. Do things that can bring you closer to your goal.
3) Hobbies you don’t enjoy
To make your life easier, you also need to eliminate things you wouldn’t like to do.
For example, if you don’t like taking part in piano lessons but you like acting, why not change?
Or if learning Spanish is not to your liking, why not look for something you are more passionate about?
There is only one life, and in order not to make it a burden, you have to do only what you have most at heart.
4) Little time for yourself
Dedicating yourself to yourself is much more important than you think.
It may sound selfish, but it is not at all.
You are a person with needs like others and as such you need to take the time to focus on yourself if you want to live a simpler life.
Do things you love, dedicate yourself to self-care, make time for journaling and spend time with your thoughts.
If you are a happy person, then you will be able to face life in the best possible way.
You can start implementing these 11 healthy habits in your life to live happily.
5) Debts
Money plays a very important role in the life of all of us, and it is essential to know how to control it.
Unfortunately, not everyone has this organization and sometimes you end up asking for money, and going into debt.
Life is unpredictable, and it happens that you need money. But debts do nothing but build a burden on life, making us slaves.
It is therefore important to know how to control and save where you can, also create a savings plan.
You can start following these habits of women who are never broke and stop buying these 23 things that will save you a lot of money each month.
6) Multitasking
While it might seem that doing so many things at the same time ends faster, multitasking is counterproductive.
The brain can only focus on one thing. Doing several things at the same time reduces the quality of the result and does not make you a productive person.
Better make a to-do list in order of importance and stick to that.
Follow these 11 tips to increase your productivity, write a workable plan and get the tasks done.
7) Fear of change
Fear of change is one of the things to get rid of to simplify life.
change is natural, it is part of our personal growth path.
Remember that your job is to become a better person than you were yesterday. So, you need to change.
Learn from your mistakes, change that job you’ve always wanted to change, and throw yourself into something new, even if you don’t know if it’s the right choice.
In my opinion, it is essential to try new things to grow.
8) Saying always yes
Did you ever realize that in order to make others happy, you put yourself in the last place?
Accept an invitation you didn’t want to go to, take responsibility for a task you wanted to turn down, or go out with your friends when you really wanted to stay at home and finish your project?
Always saying yes will make you look nice, but have you ever thought about yourself?
Plus, always saying yes, you are giving others the power to decide for you.
Stop all this, and from now on, put yourself first and decline whatever you don’t want to do, without giving explanations.

9) Unplanned meals
Unplanned meals can turn into a big waste of time in the kitchen.
It has happened to me many times to arrive at six in the evening and not know what to cook.
Life would certainly have simplified if I had known what to cook at that time.
Trust me when I tell you that creating a meal plan could help you, and a lot.
You can simply create a weekly table, and each weekend decide what to eat for the next week.
Of course, if you eat out, you still have to write it down, so you know you’re not cooking for that day. Quick and easy.
10) Negative relationships
My mother always tells me, that negative relationships are like poison to your soul. Nothing more true!
Knowing who to surround yourself with, which friendships you care about and which ones you should reevaluate is a delicate task.
I am aware that it can be difficult at times, but cutting ties with people who were not good for me has helped me a lot in dealing with life more easily.
11) Distractions from social media
In the morning as soon as you wake up, when you are cooking, while studying or when you go out. The mobile phone is always there with us, in our hands.
Social media plays an important role in how we spend our time nowadays.
It helps us keep in touch with those far away, but at the same time, it knocks us down and depresses us from seeing all those people with retouched photos and beautiful lives.
When it is important to keep in touch with the people we care about, it is also important to know how to control yourself and spend the right time in these apps.
Instead of wasting your time on social media, why not spend it more productively on something that enriches you as a person?
As mentioned earlier, I was one who spent her time scrolling through the Instagram feed.
I wanted to change my life, travel, doing things I love, but by doing so I wouldn’t go on, so I deactivated it.
Now I spend my time focusing on myself, building my business, and turning it into something profitable that allows me to do all of these things.
12) Too many goals
Have you ever set yourself so many goals and gotten to the end without having achieved them? How did you feel?
Unfortunately, it happened to me too and in the end, I felt really bad.
But now I’ll tell you the secret to achieving your goals.
Take your diary and write down all your goals.
Then choose two or three goals that require a lot of effort and write them down again.
Then break each goal into small steps, which are what you need to do to reach your main goal.
This way, you avoid getting down and have more time to work on those goals.
13) The desire to have more than you need
The desire to have more of what you need is a get rid of to simplify life.
By this, I don’t mean the desire to change your life for the better and allow yourself the things of your dream, but the feeling of the need to have something just because others have it, or because it makes you look richer is a bad habit.
You are lucky to have everything you have, and if you have more, why not share it with those who don’t?
14) Negative thoughts
Eliminating negative thoughts may seem impossible, but the reality is that we can turn these thoughts into something positive.
Meditation can help, as it helps you build self-awareness.
You cannot control your thoughts, but you can decide from what point of view to view them.
This is why it is important not to stop negative thoughts, but rather, try to see this thought from another position, understand if it is realistic and find a solution.
For every negative thought, find a positive one.
15) Bad daily habits
Impossible not to mention bad habits as a thing to get rid of to simplify life.
Bad daily habits lead over time to a life full of problems, be it health, economic or personal.
Creating good habits can make it easier for you throughout your life and achieve whatever you want.
You could start evaluating your days and jotting down on a piece of paper how you spend the hours.
Then grab the paper and see what you could eliminate from your day or replace it with something productive or better.
For example, if you notice that you spend two hours in front of the television, start replacing the hours in front of the television with something productive, like reading a book or practicing self-care.
Start by creating a night time routine for a productive morning, and then you can focus on other parts of your time.
16) Mistakes of the past
You can’t change the past, so why worry about the mistakes you’ve made?
Thinking about the past and what you could have done to get a different result is totally useless.
I tell you from experience, you cannot change the past by directing your thoughts to it.
You just have to make peace with it and understand that everything happens for a reason.
Accept your mistakes and move on, thinking about the present and your future. Only these two things can you improve and decide not to make the same mistakes again.
17) Depend on others
Being independent of others can give you great satisfaction, as you can decide what to do and how to spend your life, without the consent of others.
An independent woman is a strong woman.
Being independent is important, and you can become one by starting to take the reins of your life and never stop learning.
You are the boss of your life.
18) Hurry to get things done
Who wouldn’t want to finish their studies earlier, accept the first job they find, or finish everything by a certain date?
Actually rushing to get things done leads you to sickness and stress.
You have to live in the moment, and appreciate your time while doing something.
Don’t focus on a thousand tasks, but focus on one at a time.
Always rushing to get things done, could lead you to make choices that you will later regret, just for not taking the time to think.
So do everything calmly and enjoy life.
19) Ungratefulness
Every day before I go to bed, I thank the Lord for everything I have.
In the world, there are many problems, some even unbearable.
You must be grateful for what you have because not everyone is lucky enough to have a roof over their head or people who love them.
Practicing gratitude makes you a better person who pays attention to the small details, and has the power to make you see life from a different point of view.
20) Contacts of people you don’t talk to
Have you ever noticed that you have a full contact list but that you always talk to those two or three people you care about?
Deleting contacts you haven’t talked to for a long time, both from your phone and from your life can change you radically, and it, and it’s one of the things to get rid of to simplify life.
This is because you know that you are worth it and that you don’t have time with people who don’t have time for you.
Be grateful for those people who are always close to you and eliminate those who now belong to your past.
21) Things you don’t use
When was the last time you wore that dress or the last time you played that game?
If you no longer need something or haven’t used it in the last six months, consider selling it or giving it to charity.
Because chances are, you will never use it again for the next few years.
So you get rid of something you don’t need and make room for more important things, plus you give something to a person who needs it. it’s a win-win, don’t you think?
22) Judgment of others
Why worry about what others think?
The judgments of others must not change who you are, because you are you.
You have to find the pact of your life and do things that make you happy, even if it goes against what society thinks.
Trust me, whether you do good or bad, society will always be there to judge you, so don’t give a damn about them.
23) Accounts you don’t use
Whether it’s social media accounts or bank accounts, closing things you don’t need makes your life a lot easier.
This is because you have more time to focus on the most important and useful things, such as studying, family, and yourself.
24) Urge to buy things
Shopping just because you want to buy or because you have so much money to spend may satisfy you at first, but make you feel guilty later.
Before buying something, ask yourself if you really need it and if you have the necessary space at home.
My advice is to make a list of the things you need and buy only those. If you can’t decide, you can start by checking these 23 things you can stop buying to save money each month.
Learning to save means educating yourself to build a better and quality life.
25) Excess of self-criticism
It may be that you have been conditioned by criticism from an early age or been scolded for something you have done and this has led you to develop a negative judgment towards yourself.
You have to learn to get rid of these judgments because by doing so you hurt yourself and you cannot live life fully.
Recognize your qualities and learn to see the good in you, just like you would with a friend.
Also, recognize your strengths and weaknesses and value your strengths, knowing that perfection does not exist.
In my opinion, this is the list of 25 things to get rid of to simplify life that comes to mind for now.
Of course, there can be many other things, but by starting to work on these points, you will be able to simplify your life a lot.
Start today and appreciate the changes you will see.
With love,

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