In such a changing world and a life full of ups and downs, your mental well-being needs to be prioritized.
It seems obvious, but if we think about it, we give little importance to our mental state, so much so that the rate of depression and anxiety is exponentially increasing, along with demotivation, conventionality, and unproductivity
Nurturing your mental health can seem difficult, for some it may even seem impossible, but with a little effort, new positive habits, and a change in your mindset, you can totally have a mental glow-up.
If you are asking yourself how to glow up mentally, then you have come to the right blog post.
In this post, I will share with you, 21 simple tips and habits on how to glow-up mentally and become the best and healthier version of yourself from the inner!
But first, let’s see what is a mental glow-up and how you could benefit from it.
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What is a mental glow-up
When we talk about glow-up, only the external part of our body comes to mind, that is, everything that has to do with aesthetic beauty.
But glow-up means much more.
A glow-up is a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better. Glow-ups can be both natural and planned. As well as being gradual and permanent or fast and temporary.
A person who would like to do a glow-up should also focus on the mental part.
I truly believe that there is always room for progress when it comes to our mental and emotional state and if done well, it can truly change your life for the better.
Benefits of glowing up mentally
When you glow up mentally, you can immediately sense its benefits in your life.
These are the benefits of a mental glow-up
- Lower your risk of illness
- reduced anxiety
- increased self-esteem
- more self-love
- higher levels of productivity
- reduced risk of depression
- improved health
- better social relationships
- more creativity
- increased life expectancy
- good physical health
21 tips to glow up mentally
By nature, we give more importance to our image, because it is what we show people and many times we are judged for that.
But our mind is one of the most important things we have.
We can be the most beautiful person in the world, and have an enviable physique and beautiful skin, but if we are not happy and at peace with ourselves, all of this loses its value.
Once you learn how to glow up mentally, there’s no doubt you will see many areas of your life improve.
1) Adopt a growth mindset
Adopting a growth mindset is the first step to having a mental glow-up. What does it mean?
With a growth mindset, we see and approach things and situations differently than with a fixed mindset.
What’s better than knowing that you can do more and that you can change, regardless of your situation?
If you have a growth mindset, you will always challenge yourself, you will see infinite potential in yourself and you will be able to change and achieve what you want in life.
2) Create a morning routine you will love
Morning marks the start of our daytime, and how we approach it impacts the rest of the day.
Have you ever noticed that if you start the morning off on the wrong foot, the rest of your day also becomes stressful and discouraging?
A morning routine suited to your needs saves you from all this. If you want to have a mental glow-up, then you have to take this into account too.
Having chaotic, stressful days isn’t good for your mental health, so take some time to decide on your morning routine.
Create one that you will love and that allows you to start the day with calm, peace, and organization.
To help you, you can read these 16 morning habits that will change your life and these 14 habits to avoid in the morning that can ruin your day.
Seasonal: Cozy fall morning routine for an awesome fall season.
3) Set your goals and work towards achieving them
Deciding the goals you want to achieve and having something to work on makes daily life more interesting.
If you have something to aim for and goals in life, it means you are a person who has dreams and ambitions.
It’s very important to set goals in every area of your life and work towards achieving them.
This contributes to personal development and a healthy mental state, let alone personal satisfaction.
4) Get in contact with nature
When I’m stressed or with a lot on my mind, I put on my sports shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a slow walk surrounded by greenery.
This helps me a lot mentally.
Nature has the power to free your mind from negative thoughts and emotions, make you feel free from your problems, and it’s also a good time to enjoy some time with yourself.
5) Practice self-reflection
We’re talking about how to glow up mentally, right?
Well, then this activity certainly cannot be missed.
Practicing self-reflection means paying attention to your thoughts, desires, behavior, and attitude.
Self-reflection helps you evaluate things, and without it, you face your day and your life without knowing how it’s really going, and if it’s really how you want it to go.
Every day, take a moment and reflect on your day, what you would change, what you would improve and what are the things that really matter and need your focus.
6) Remain organized
Do you think it’s time for a change and you don’t know where to start?
Maybe you want to have a simpler life and achieve your goals.
Then you have to learn to have organization.
It is said that organization is the key to success. Nothing could be more true, right?
Being organized has many benefits, such as eliminating chaos from your environment and consequently having a clearer mind, making it easier to achieve your goals, and simplifying your life, leading you to have a happier life.
A clean and tidy environment inspires motivation and chases away laziness.
Using to-do lists and a planner are things that simplify the process, so go ahead and find what you like!
You can start doing these 13 things at the start of a new month to get organized and make these 23 lists to organize your life.
7) Develop new skills
Have you ever heard people say that they are unable to learn new things because they are not very intelligent or because they are already adults? Well, to learn new things you just need interest and a little effort.
Having the curiosity and desire to develop new skills certainly doesn’t hurt your mental well-being, on the contrary!
It helps you be a more creative person, more open to trying new things and continually improving yourself.
8) Ask for help if you need it
Sometimes, we think we can solve our problems alone, but it is not always possible without the support and help of someone.
Don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for help if you need it.
The person you can turn to can be a member of your family, your best friend, but also a therapist.
If you need a hand, it’s much better to turn to someone than keep everything inside and deal alone with your problems.
I assure you that there is nothing wrong and you feel even better afterward.
9) Get good sleep
A rested and energetic body, as well as a rested mind, contributes to increasing physical and mental well-being.
Getting good sleep helps to lower your stress level and deal with your emotions with more patience, to face days with more happiness, and also to improve your brain performance, mood, and overall health.
In fact, those who sleep little are more likely to always be nervous, stressed, tired, and depressed.
So don’t give up on a good sleep!
10) Give up the desire to impress others
Many times we want to let people know and see how good we are at something, or how much we are improving in our lives.
The desire to impress others is unfortunately very common, and probably sometimes makes us feel powerful, but is it worth wasting our time to prove something to someone or reach a certain milestone just to impress others?
In the long run, this habit and this thought can be poisonous to your mental health.
Instead, try to do things just for yourself, impress yourself, and show yourself how capable you are of achieving what you set yourself.
11) Do a social media detox
Nowadays, having a profile on every social media and spending time on them has become part of our routine, so much so that going through a day without your cell phone at hand or scrolling through your Instagram feed seems impossible.
But will you believe me when I tell you that taking a break from social media, even just for a few hours, does you more good than harm?
Thanks to social media, the rate of depression, anxiety, and insecurity is increasing exponentially, not to mention all the precious time we waste on it.
I myself used to scroll through Instagram, and after a break of 1 year, I realized that I didn’t need it that much. Now I only spend 10 minutes a day on it and I have more time for other important things.
A social media detox is what you need to free up your mind and recenter your focus on what is more important.

12) Surround yourself with positivity
How do you think you can glow up mentally if your environment and the people around you are always negative and toxic?
Surrounding yourself with positivity is essential for your mental well-being and your own happiness.
A positive environment encourages you, motivates you, makes you happy and at ease with yourself and others and your mind is free from any toxicity.
13) Keep yourself healthy
With this I mean take care of your body and health.
Eat healthy foods, walk and stretch, or take up a sport you are passionate about
Don’t forget to take care of your hygiene, dress comfortably, have medical check-ups every 3 months, and stay fit!
A healthy body is a healthy mind and to glow up mentally, you need a functioning and healthy body!
14) Enjoy the little things in life
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault.
There are things we take for granted until we lose them.
Does this sound familiar?
Truth be told, many times we are not even aware that everything we have is a gift from God.
We don’t need a villa or to be rich to enjoy things.
The important things are right in front of us.
Focus and enjoy the little things in life, like a walk with your loved ones, your health, the presence of someone in your life, as well as being able to study and have food every day.
15) Do things that you really enjoy
What is life if we do things that only make us bored and that don’t interest us at all?
To glow up mentally you have to take into account that your happiness comes first. Unfortunately, many times we have to do things that we don’t like and this is why it is important to reserve time for things that we enjoy.
Spending time on activities that you love can improve your mental health and wellbeing, and make you feel happier and more relaxed.
This can be a walk outdoors in the woods, swimming, reading a book with a cup of coffee, and much more.
16) Give up your past
What we have been through can affect us deeply, but if we continue to live in it, we will never move forward and will always be depressed.
Even if the past belongs to us, we must learn to move forward and leave the past in the past.
Focusing on becoming a better person than we were yesterday, learning from our mistakes, focusing on the present, and living in the moment is the best thing for yourself and your mental well-being.
17) Build self-love and confidence
Loving yourself is the basis for leading a happy and joyful life.
Self-love may seem selfish, but I assure you it is not. and that by learning to love yourself you teach others how to respect and treat you.
If you want to get started you can read these tips on how to fall in love with yourself again.
Confidence, on the other hand, is another thing you need to live well and freely.
If you are confident, you won’t even care about other people’s opinions, you will feel at ease with yourself and with others and you will be a more confident person.
18) Learn to say no
Is there anything that bothers you or that you’re not interested in being a part of?
Or do you struggle to reject someone’s plea for help because you would feel bad afterward?
While it is true that you must always be kind and help others, it is also true that doing something to the detriment of your happiness and wasting time on something that doesn’t interest you isn’t so good for you.
Learning to say no is essential for our mental health because it values us, allows us to set boundaries in life, and protect ourselves from things that we don’t want in our life.
19) Stop setting unrealistic expectations
It’s nice to dream big, but there are things that we can’t achieve in a short time or that we can’t control.
People have too high expectations, and as soon as they are not able to reach them, they get down or depressed, or they blame themselves.
Stop setting unrealistic expectations! It’s not good for your mental health and only hurts you.
Instead, try to set goals, work hard, and focus only on things that are within your power, don’t expect too much from people, and don’t compare yourself to others.
20) Practice gratitude
Practicing gratitude makes you grateful for what you have, makes you feel blessed, decreases your level of stress and anxiety, and increases your level of happiness and optimism.
Always be grateful for what you have, even if it seems ordinary to you.
Out there in the world, some people dream of having what you have and consider it a luxury.
21) Have a self-care routine before bed-time
Our days are always chaotic and our schedule is always full, so how can we dedicate ourselves to our self-care?
Even if we have a thousand commitments, we need to carve out some time for ourselves so we can unwind, unplug, and relax.
The best time is therefore before going to sleep.
Have a self-care routine before bed.
You can take a hot bath, watch your favorite episode, sip a hot tea read a book, or do some light stretching.
The choice is vast, discover what’s right for you!
This is all about how to have a mental glow up. Follow these 21 tips to glow up mentally and they will help you change your mind for the better.
If you’re looking to improve yourself and glow up, prioritize your mental well-being, as that’s what will impact other areas of your life.
With love,

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