Have you ever wanted to make a lifestyle change in your 20s, but think it’s too late or even impossible?
The 20s are the best years to build yourself as a person and take care of yourself so that you can have a better life in the future.
If you don’t use your 20s to improve yourself and take care of yourself, there can be negative consequences later on in life.
It’s never too late to start implementing good habits, but if you’re in your 20s and want to know how you can build a good foundation for your future, then this post is just for you!
In fact, now I’m going to reveal 50 good habits to start in your 20s for a thriving life, a successful, healthier, and happier life.
But before that, let’s see why it’s important to start building good habits in your 20s and why these years can impact your life negatively or positively.
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Why you should start good habits in your 20s?
Let’s see why you should start good habits in your 20s for a successful and thriving life.
1) You have more time and energy to improve yourself
Don’t get me wrong at this point. Anyone who wants to improve their life can do it at any age and it’s never too late.
What I mean is that in the 20s, one definitely has much more time and energy than someone who is an adult and has much more responsibilities, has a family, and has to work twice as much.
If you’re in your 20s, I suggest you make the most of them and try to introduce more good habits, focus on yourself and use this time to work on yourself, to improve your health, happiness, and confidence.
2) They will set you up for your dream life
These years are the basis for all years to come, and therefore for our life. You make important decisions and redirect your actions toward things that can make you grow as a person and concentrate on the life path that you want to follow.
Moreover, your 20s are the most important and decisive years of your life because you are still young and you are passing from the period of youth to adulthood.
You can work on creating your dream life and enjoy it through the process. So having the right habits from the start can be of great help in your career, health, and future self.
3) It’s easier to break bad habits and build positive ones
In your 20s you can set positive habits that will guide you through your life and impact it positively. Since you are young, you can change easily habits, which means introducing good habits and breaking the bad ones.
Since you’re still young, it’s easier to experiment with things and find what works for you and instead discard what doesn’t bring anything productive into your life.
Good habits to start in your 20s
Let’s see what are these 50 good habits to start in your 20s to ensure you have a successful career, good health, productivity, and happiness in your life.
1) Set a cleaning schedule
A cleaning schedule is a great help when it comes to keeping your home tidy and healthy.
This is because it allows you to organize yourself with household chores, know how often to clean a certain place, how to clean it, and ensure that you have cleaned everything.
2) Stop the negative self-talk
Surely you would never speak negatively to a friend, so why do it to yourself? Negative self-talk is one of the nastiest things we can do to ourselves and a habit to ditch right away.
Instead of talking negatively to each other, we need to learn to speak loving, positive words to each other and be patient with ourselves.
3) Drink more water
Drink, drink, and drink, at least 2 liters a day.
Water is super essential for the proper functioning of our body, and it’s the best medicine to fight any kind of disease and the best method to have clean, healthy, and young skin.
If you want to be healthy and beautiful in your future years, this is where you should start.
4) Start showing up early
Who doesn’t love punctuality?
Come on being 5 minutes late doesn’t seem like much, but arriving on time can make you arrive less stressed, you have a little more time to prepare and show the other person that you are a responsible person and interested in participating.
5) Read more and make reading a priority
On this point, I can do nothing but say to read as much as possible.
Books open up your vision, broaden your imagination, and are a source of information.
Try to find at least 10 minutes a day to devote to reading, whether it’s personal growth or a novel, and try to prioritize reading a book in relaxing moments instead of using your cell phone.
6) Practice gratitude
Practicing gratitude means being grateful for everything you have and not wishing you had more.
This makes you a better person because you recognize that you already have what you need and that you are blessed to be part of that small percentage of people who lack nothing.
Sometimes it may seem natural to have a certain thing, but if you think about it, there are people who pray day and night to have what you have. So always be grateful.
7) Get outside regularly
Start going outside regularly, whether it’s for a walk or to look at the sight.
Leaving the house and going out regularly fights stress and your mood will thank you.
So start getting into the habit of taking a walk outside instead of staying indoors all day.
8) Stop complaining
If you’re used to complaining, now is the time to break the habit.
Instead of complaining, try to find a solution, and make peace with the past, your negative experiences, and what you can’t change.
Complaining can make you feel mentally better because you release your negative emotions, but the reality is that complaining negatively impacts your mental health and you won’t be able to solve your problems.
Whenever you are faced with a problem or negative experience, don’t complain, try to focus, find a solution, always be grateful and surround yourself with positive thoughts.
9) Set goals every day
By setting goals every day, you will have the possibility to make every day an interesting and productive day, not to mention motivating.
If you have a goal to reach by the end of the day, you will automatically do more, you will focus only on the important things and don’t lose sight of the goal.
It’s one of the best habits you could develop in your 20s, especially if you have big goals to achieve.
10) Make sleep a priority
Lack of sleep does damage to your overall health.
I know this may sound harsh, but you should start putting more importance on your sleep than on other things.
It is advisable to sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day, and it guarantees you good health, greater productivity, and better skin and you can say goodbye to tiredness and exhaustion.
11) Practice positive affirmations
Practicing positive affirmations is a way to help yourself overcome difficult moments but above all to remind yourself that you are capable of anything, to promote confidence and self-love.
Ultimately the task of these affirmations is to eliminate all negative thoughts and self-doubts.
You can find positive affirmations everywhere, but one thing I advise you to do is to write down the phrases that can touch you and repeat them to yourself, or simply speak to yourself in a positive way and with love.
12) Spend time with your family
Nowadays, finding time to spend with your family can be difficult, especially if you live elsewhere or have many commitments, but absolutely not impossible.
Spending time with your family is a gift that not everyone has, which is why I think it’s one of the habits you should carry on as you grow up.
Unforgettable memories are built and above all, there will be fun and happiness every time you meet.
13) Change your sheets regularly
Changing the bed sheets regularly is another issue that many underestimate. There are those who change them every now and then or wait until they smell unpleasant smells.
The sheets retain odors and collect remains of skin, sweat, liquids, and fluids from your body. This is really bad for your skin’s health.
Make it a habit to change them once a week for good hygiene and cleaner skin.
14) Make regular medical check-ups
One of the most important habits to start in your 20s is to have frequent check-ups by doctors.
It may seem boring and useless, but by having a check-up at least once every three or six months, you can get an overview of your health, prevent diseases and always have an update on your physical condition.
15) Let go of toxic friendships and relationships
You may be wondering what a toxic person could ever do?
Well, I’ve met a couple of them in my life, and I have to say that a toxic person reacts like an illness to your mind, and you always end up feeling bad when you’re with them and you’re not respected.
In your 20s, start saying goodbye and walking away from toxic people and relationships, because your mental health and respect come first.
16) Start cooking more at home
Starting to cook at home is a habit that will help you a lot in your 20s, especially for the financial part.
Eating out is okay from time to time, but if it becomes a habit, it’s good to start finding another solution. Not only will you save, but you’ll know how to handle money responsibly.
17) Save money every month
Do you know that your 20s are the years when you learn to save money?
You are still young, but there are already many responsibilities, and above all, you will surely have a dream to achieve.
Well, starting to save money in these years will only be a plus point for your future and you will thank yourself for building this habit from a young age.
18) Make the most out of your time
In my opinion, this is one of the most important points you will find in this list.
I see young people who waste their time on useless things and then repent in the future.
Make the most out of your time.
I’m not kidding, you’re young and you don’t have to stress yourself, but it’s also true that time flies and getting lost in nonsense is easy.
You should work on your dreams and prioritize things and people. Always draw up a plan and stay focused on what you do.
19) Quit smoking and reduce drinking
This needs no further explanation as smoking is bad for your health and drinking too much too.
If you smoke, I wholeheartedly recommend that you quit immediately if you care about your health.
As for drinking, try not to abuse it but don’t hold back for a glass of wine. :)
20) Stay informed on the news
In these times it is very important to keep up to date with what is happening in the world.
It is true that we don’t need to check every time, as this can negatively affect our mental health, but updating at least a couple of times a week is advisable and it will contribute to your general knowledge.
21) Meet new people
In your 20s, it’s fun and productive to meet new people.
It seems difficult to make friends or meet new people, but if you think about it, you have many opportunities.
In these years, you discover your passions, practice new hobbies and even meet people with the same interests as you.
The advantage that this can bring you is that you discover more about the world and people’s lives, and this can only do you good.
22) Take care of your skin and hair
Taking care of skin and hair at a young age is very important, especially for their health in adulthood.
If you don’t value your skin and hair today, it will show as you get older, and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to have beautiful hair and skin? But not only that, but it will also boost your self-confidence.
Start taking care of them with products suited to your skin and hair type and you won’t regret it, I promise!
23) Love your body
I tell you from experience, adolescence and the 20s are the years in which you develop, and your body changes, and many times we are not satisfied with how we are transforming.
We prefer to have a better body or to be like models.
Please don’t fall for these mind games.
The truth is that we can only improve ourselves, but not change completely.
Instead, learn to love your body more, and be thankful you have one that can do anything.
You are you and no one else, and I’m sure you are a beautiful soul!
24) Wear SPF every day
The skin is the largest organ of the body and performs the function of protecting us from diseases and external factors. The skin saves all the damage we cause it (such as exposure to the sun) and gives us feedback when we are older.
It is, therefore, a good habit to wear sunscreen before leaving the house and protect our skin from UV rays, which are harmful to health.

25) Start making extra money
Just as it’s important to learn how to save and save money during your 20s, it’s equally important to know how to make extra money so you’ll always have something extra for the future.
You can experiment with different things, like doing a part-time job while you’re studying, or jumping into the digital world and creating digital products to sell.
26) Wake up early
Becoming a morning person can bring you many benefits, including time to work on your goals and more time for yourself.
It’s no coincidence that successful people wake up early. Thanks to this habit, they manage to do many more things during the day, and above all, a structured and planned morning can lead you to success and be a productive person.
I assure you it’s not difficult, and if you want to know how head over to my post “How to become a morning person and love it” and start implementing these simple but useful tips.
27) Do your laundry often
Build a habit of doing laundry whenever you need to, and don’t wait weeks.
This can save you time and have everything organized, instead of spending so much time looking for an outfit you want to wear and having a pile of clothes piled up in one corner.
28) Get on an exercise routine
Exercising is good for your health, both mentally and physically.
Your 20s are the perfect time to introduce the habit of exercising into your routine.
Whether it’s dancing, soccer, simple running, or stretching, exercising at least three times a week is a must if you want to stay healthy and is one of the best ways to combat stress.
29) Give yourself breaks
It goes without saying that a person who always works or gets tired sooner or later gives up and drops everything. It’s super important to give yourself breaks, even when you think you need to keep going and don’t stop.
Learning to take breaks is scientifically proven to make you more productive than working interruptedly but it’s also a way to show love towards yourself and respect your times. If you feel the need to take breaks, don’t back down, and take your breaks.
30) Find a hobby that you love
Have you ever wondered if there’s something you’re passionate about and that you really want to do?
Whether it’s learning a language or learning to draw manga, we all have desires within us, things we would like to learn.
During your 20s, it is easier to try different activities, and also finding a hobby that you love is vital if you want to face life with more fun and escape from everyday commitments.
After you find what you love, it will be more fun to face adulthood with more joy.
31) Start meal planning
Meal planning is a method to save time and save money.
Learning to plan your meals from a young age helps you to have control over your money and to know how to save cash and organize yourself to have more time for your hobbies and loved ones.
32) Make someone smile every day
It’s not really a habit to develop, but something that should come from the heart.
Having the ability to make someone smile every day is something that not everyone can do and that not everyone possesses.
Unfortunately, there are those who grow up in arrogance or those who are not kind at all.
I believe that always being kind, at any age, and making a gesture of love towards others, is something that we should all learn, from childhood.
But if you’ve never given it a thought, don’t worry, if you still have time!
33) Have a long-term goal
If you want to be a successful person and be successful in life, it is very important to have a long-term goal. This is because without goals, especially the biggest one, you don’t have a goal to achieve and you no longer know what to do with your life.
You always have a long-term goal in front of your eyes, write it down, visualize it, and make it possible.
Working on these kinds of goals in your 20s is one of the best things you can do as a young person, and it can change your life.
34) Limit your social media time
From experience, I know how addictive social media can be and it seems like you just can’t live without it.
Unless you use social media for work, I recommend limiting your social media time to at least 1 hour a day.
We may not realize it, but social media wastes a lot of our time and brings nothing positive into our lives.
Instead, try to take a break, or use it infrequently. The time you have available, use it for something productive, or dedicate it to your hobbies.
35) Set a bedtime routine
What time do you usually go to sleep? And when you wake up in the morning?
Have you realized that you are always tired even if you sleep a lot?
If so, it all lies in the time you go to sleep.
To be full of energy and face a productive day, it is important to get enough sleep but the quality of sleep is also essential.
To ensure perfect sleep, try to establish a bedtime routine and try to go to sleep at the same time every time.
It may seem impossible at first, but once your body gets used to it, it’s easier to get up even early in the morning.
36) Keep an organized workspace
One of the habits to develop in your 20s to build a thriving life concerns the organization of your workplace.
When we are young, we tend to leave everything in a mess, we promise to organize everything as soon as we have more time.
The truth is that by maintaining this mentality, we tend to carry this habit with us over the years.
If you want to be a more productive and organized person, start by keeping your workplace clean and tidy, which is very counterproductive.
37) Learn something new every day
During your 20s, take advantage of every single day to learn new things.
Whether it’s a current topic or something about prehistory, or more information that you need for the future, learn, learn, and learn.
I believe that you can learn every day from life and you can start doing it at any age, but if you are young, you have more time available and more time to put your knowledge and what you have learned into practice.
38) Start planning your days and tasks
Another one of the good habits that I recommend building during your 20s, is to plan your days and the tasks you need to get done.
This gives you a lot of advantages because by having this habit, you won’t have trouble organizing yourself and doing things on time in the future.
It is currently one of the habits that leads a person to be successful in life.
By knowing how to start your day and your tasks, you will not give way to procrastination and you will be a more productive person in your everyday life.
39) Make your health a priority
The worst thing you could do in your 20s is not take care of yourself and your health.
Health comes first, and to stay healthy you also have to make sacrifices, such as not eating too many sweets, not drinking too much, playing sports, and having regular medical check-ups, as well as getting enough sleep and covering up well during the winter.
By prioritizing your health now, you’ll have a future with fewer problems, rest assured!
40) Follow a consistent morning and night routine
Follow a constant morning and night routine if you want to be successful and achieve your goals.
For a thriving life, this is a must, because having a morning and night routine, you will also have less stress, you will have a boost in mood and this will make you feel better overall and above all you will be able to structure your day according to your commitments and your passions.
41) Prepare for the next day the night before
If you want to become a more organized person, then one of the easiest habits you could start practicing in your 20s is to pack your things the night before.
Getting ready in the evening before going to bed for the following morning has many benefits, including having everything ready, being able to dedicate more time to yourself, and starting the day with less stress.
If you want to start knowing what to do, you can read the 10 things to do before bed for a productive morning.
42) Practice self-care
Absolutely not to be forgotten is the habit of practicing self-care during your free time, but also between one commitment and another.
If you think you must be rich or that self-care means soaking in the tub with candles and a glass of wine, well, it’s the other way around.
Practicing self-care in your youth reminds you that you too are important and that you too need attention before anyone else.
If you need ideas, you can check out these 103 5-minute self-care ideas but also these 29 self-care Sunday ideas you can practice.
43) Love yourself more
This is a reminder that you should love yourself more than anything and anyone.
The only certain thing is that if you have love for yourself, nothing and no one can bring you down.
If you feel that you value others more than yourself, you should fall in love with yourself again and start putting yourself first!
44) Journal every day
Have you ever thought about getting into the journaling habit?
It’s a great way to put all your thoughts on paper, discover new sides of yourself and understand what’s going well and what you would like to improve.
Journaling has a lot of benefits, but it can be difficult for someone who is not used to writing down their thoughts on paper.
This is exactly why there are journal prompts that can help you out.
45) Travel whenever you can
You’ve probably heard many times already, that during your 20s, you need to travel as much as possible.
But why is it so?
The answer is very simple. Being still young, it’s important to have experiences that help you grow, mature, and above all, not yet having the responsibility of a family on your shoulders, you can focus on yourself and discover yourself.
I believe that only by stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things and places, new cultures, and ways of living, you can grow and have a broader vision of this world and life.
46) Plan your grocery list in advance
When I go shopping, I buy things that I don’t really need, and that I have to cook even if it wasn’t in my plans.
The result is just a waste of money.
If you want to save money and buy what you need, you can start planning your grocery list in advance.
It’s a good habit to develop to avoid wasting food and spending money unnecessarily.
47) Ask whenever you don’t understand
I’ve always been a shy girl so imagine me going to ask questions if I didn’t understand a thing.
The problem is that by doing so, I missed a lot of interesting things that could come in handy.
I know it may sound embarrassing or embarrassing, but if you don’t understand something or want to know more, asking is the only option.
Trust me that asking isn’t a nerd thing nor it doesn’t make you look crazy, it actually makes you look like a more interesting and intelligent person.
48) Challenge your limiting beliefs
Many times we ask ourselves “But will we be able to complete this task?” or “It’s very difficult, I will never become someone” or “Building a business is not for everyone, I give up and continue my 9-5 job”.
All of these are limiting beliefs that we’ve been carrying around since we were kids, and it’s not a good thing, as it blocks us from creating something wonderful in our lives and puts a brake on pursuing our dreams.
Especially during your 20s, the likelihood of holding yourself back is very high.
I want you to start believing in yourself and your potential, and remember that if you want something, it also has the power and the resources to achieve it!
49) Build up your confidence
A confident person is a self-believing person who is secure, full of faith, and believes in their abilities.
An insecure person is afraid of failing and taking risks. So they stay in their comfort zone and act on what other people think. Do you want to be such a person?
It’s time to boost your self-confidence and get out of your comfort zone.
Believe in what you do and always do what you think is right, regardless of the opinions of others.
50) Learn a new language
Last but not least, is to use your 20s to learn one more language other than your mother language.
Knowing at least two languages in a globalized world helps you to relate more easily, you will have a better curriculum, and above all, you will have more knowledge than the others, not to mention the satisfaction you will have.
That’s all. I hope these 50 good habits to start in your 20s for a thriving life can help you and it is certain that if put into practice, they can truly transform your future.
All you have to do is get to work and try to give the best of yourself during these years.
Work hard now and you can enjoy the rewards later.
With love,

These are great tips. As someone in her late 20s, I have learned a lot by doing some of these tips. I’ll definitely implement more in my life as my 20s come to a close.
Thank you so much Anaiis! It’s nice to hear this, because it’s never to late to start implementing something new :)